Other Greek Gods
A selection of minor Gods and Goddesses from Greek Mythology. These are Gods that are not part of the twelve Olympians or the twelve Titans
Some of the Gods on this page are elemental Gods who existed before the Titans or Olympians or are the children of these Gods.
Other Gods
Achelois (pronounced “A-khe-LO-ees”) was a minor Greek goddess from ancient times. She was one of the deities, many of them female, identified with the moon and its monthly cycle. Achelois has been translated in English as “she who washes away pain”, and she was often looked to by the ancient Greeks as a source of […]
Originally in Greek mythology, Achelous was the god of all rivers and water of the world. During Hellenistic times, he was only associated with the Achelous river. This is the largest river in all Greece. Every river has its own river spirit and Achelous was considered the chief of all the deities of rivers. […]
Adonis was the god of beauty and desire in Greek mythology. He was the son of Theias and his daughter Myrrha and was loved by both Aphrodite and Persephone, spending time with both of them throughout the year.
Aether – God of Light
Aether, sometimes also spelled Aither, was a primordial god of light. He was also the god of the sky, which the ancient Greeks considered to be “blue ether” that represented heaven. Aether’s mists were able to fill the space between the transparent mists on the ground and the solid dome that made up the sky. […]
There are two versions of the ancient Greek figure Alcyone. One version has her as the nymph daughter of the titan Atlas, and sea nymph Pleione. The second places her as the daughter of Aeolus, the god of the winds and his lover Enarete. There is some overlap between both stories, making it difficult to […]
Goddess of Sun and Morning. Alectrona (also known as Electryone or Electryo) was the greek goddess of the sun. It is thought that she might have also been the goddess of morning or ‘waking from slumber’. Some believed wholeheartedly that she was the cause of men waking from their sleep every morning. Her father was […]
The Minor Sea Goddess Amphitrite is a minor Greek goddess, one of several who ruled the seas. Originally, she was known as the wife of sea-god Poseidon, but over time, she was set aside as merely his mistress. A beautiful goddess, she was the daughter of Nereus, a minor sea god, and Doris, a sea […]
The Anemoi were four Greek gods of the four winds. They were the offspring of Aeolus and Eos. Aeolus was the god of the Winds. Eos, also known as the Dawn Bringer, was a goddess daughter of either a Titan, Pallas Athena, or Nyx. Hesoid, the Greek poet, gives their parentage as Astraea and Eos. […]
Apate – Greek Goddess of Deceit
In Greek mythology, Apate was the goddess of deceit, a physical embodiment (or living representation) of the concept of deceit. She is the daughter of Nyx, who was the personification of night and also one of the first primordial gods to exist at the beginning of time. Erebos, a being who represented darkness, was her […]
God of Shepherds and Useful Arts In Greek mythology, Aristaeus was the god of useful arts, such as bee-keeping and cheese-making, olive-growing, herding, and hunting. He was a rustic god, a god of the countryside and pastoral places. Aristaeus was a minor god in Athens but a prominent god in Boetia, a farming region in […]
Many people are familiar with the famous symbol of medicine. It features a staff with a serpent wrapping around it. This iconic has many iterations, but it’s most often attributed to the Ancient Greek myth of Asclepius, also known as Asklepios. A demigod hero, Asclepius was a revered figure in Ancient Greece. He became the […]
Astraeus – Greek God of Dusk
Greek mythology contained stories of many gods and goddesses. Some are more prevalent than others, appearing in a myriad of tales from Homer, Hesiod, and a slew of other poets. Their importance in ancient Greece varied, with some having entire religions and temples dedicated in their honor. Meanwhile, others operated in the background and offered […]
Atropos was one of the three goddesses of three Fates. Also known as the Moirai, the three Fates were the goddesses of fate and destiny. They controlled the path that every mortal took in life. Of the three Fates, Atropos was the eldest. She dealt with the inevitable and unstoppable events in life. Her main […]
The story of Attis (pronounced /ˈætɪs/; Greek: Ἄττις, also Ἄτυς, Ἄττυς, Ἄττης), god of vegetation, began in Phrygia. His repeated cycle of consuming himself, dying and resurrecting represents the agricultural cycle. Birth The daemon Agdistis is linked to both the birth and death of Attis. Agdistis had both female and male reproductive organs. The […]
Bia was a Greek goddess personifying force and power. She was the daughter of the Titans Pallas and Styx. Her father, Pallas, was the Titan of battle, while her mother, Styx, was the goddess of the River Styx. Bia had three siblings: Kratos, the god of strength, Nike, the goddess of victory, and Zelus, the […]
Ancient Greek mythology features many recognizable figures that inspired legends we continue to tell today. While most are familiar with the famous Twelve Olympians, many lessers gods shaped culture and symbolized many core concepts of nature. One of those gods was Boreas. Boreas is one of four Anemoi. The Anemoi are minor gods who acted […]
Brizo – Greek Goddess of the Sea and Dreams
Patron Goddess of Fishermen, Mariners and Sailors Very little is known about the Greek goddess Brizo, though she is known as both a dream goddess and a goddess of the ocean within the Greek pantheon. The Greek Myth Index indicates that she was a prophetic goddess whose Greek name stems from the word “brizein” which […]
Greek goddess Calliope had a way with words. In fact, she was so eloquent and poetic that she was highly regarded by Hesiod and Ovid. Of all the muses, she was considered the “Chief”. In modern times, you’ll see the goddess depicted as a fine writer with a tablet, roll of paper or book in […]
Celaeno is a Greek goddess or demon whose name means “the dark one”. Celaeno is referred to as several different beings throughout Greek mythology. In some stories, Celaeno is one of the Pleiades. Her name can also be spelled Celeno or Kelaino. In the Pleiades, Celaeno is one of seven daughters. She is the daughter […]
The Origin Of Everything – Primordial Goddess of The Chasm Chaos was the origin of everything and the very first thing that ever existed. It was a primordial void, which everything was created from including the universe and the Greek Gods. In ancient Greek, Chaos is translated as ‘the gaping void.’ The first deities that […]
One of the most recognizable figures in Greek mythology is Charon, or (Kharon). Charon was the ferryman of Hades. An enigmatic character, Charon is present in many stories involving Greek gods. Contrary to popular belief, Charon is not considered to be a god. Instead, he’s an underworld deity under the services of king Hades. Those […]
In Greek mythology, Circe was a goddess of magic, though she was sometimes depicted as a nymph (minor nature god), a witch or an enchantress. In any case, she was associated with magic. She knew a lot about potions and herbs, and sometimes used this knowledge against her enemies and people who offended her, turning […]
Clio – Greek Goddess of History
Clio, also spelled Kleio, was one of the nine muses. Clio is the muse of history. She is often shown holding a scroll that is open or sitting beside a chest full of books. Clio was the patron of history and the guitar. The ancient Greek word for history was derived from Kleos. She is […]
Youngest of the Three Fates or Moirae Clotho was the youngest of the three Fates. The Fates were sister goddesses who controlled the fates and destinies of mortal lives. The role of the three Fates were commonly explained through the metaphor of weaving cloth. Clotho would spin the threads, Lachesis would measure the cloth, and Atropos would […]
The Greek God of Fear and Panic – Personification of Fear (Dread and Terror) In Greek mythology, Deimos is the son of Ares and Aphrodite and the brother of Phobos. While his brother is the personification of fear and panic, Deimos is the personification of dread and terror. The Roman version of him was called […]
Greek Goddess Of Childbirth And Pregnancy. In Greek mythology, Eileithyia (or Ilithyia) was the goddess of childbirth who held the cow and the peacock as sacred animals. She was the daughter of Zeus, the king of all the other gods, and Hera, Zeus’s seventh and last wife, who was also his sister. Eileithyia was born […]
Goddess Of War And Destruction In ancient Greek mythology, Enyo was the goddess of war and destruction. She is connected with Ares who was the war god. She was usually shown as the sister and companion for Ares the God of war. Sometimes she was called the “Sister of War” or the “Sacker of Cities.” […]
Erebus was one of the oldest ancient Greek gods. He was one of the first five of the well-known Greek pantheon that includes Hera, Zeus, and Aphrodite. Erebus was one of the sons of the first goddess Chaos or Khaos. In mythology, his most common mistress was the goddess Nyx. One of his other sisters […]
The Greek Goddess of Conflict and Dispute In every family, there’s always someone who starts up a bunch of drama. In the family of the Greek gods, that would be Eris. Eris was the goddess of conflict and dispute, which is basically like being the goddess of pointless arguments that end in fistfights — or […]
Primordial God of Procreation/ Greek God of Love and Sexual Desire Eros has a few very different origin myths. In one, he first appears as the primordial god of procreation, self born from Chaos at the beginning of time. In others he is one of the two Greek Gods of love, a companion of Aphrodite, […]
Geras was the Greek god of Aging. He was a brother to the goddess Philotes and had the same parents, Erebus and Nyx. Geras made his home in the Underworld, hanging out with other minor gods and goddesses such as Luctus or Grief, and Metus (Fear.) The Greek playwright, Aristophanes, gives Geras a home on […]
What Does Glaucus’ Name Mean? While some sources spell his name as Glaukos or Glaucos, Glaucus’ name translates as “sea-gray.” What Was Glaucus the God Of? As he worked the seas as a fisherman in his mortal life, Glaucus was commonly seen as an ally to sailors and fishermen whom had the poor fortune of […]
Goddess Gaea ( Gaia ) The Greek Goddess of Earth
Known as both Gaia and Gaea, the Goddess Gaia is a figure from Greek mythology. She was the goddess of the earth. Her name essentially means earth or land and shows that she was the human version of the earth. Some refer to her as the ancestral mother and claim that she gave birth to […]
Harmonia was the goddess of harmony and concord. In most myths, she is the daughter of Aphrodite and Ares, but in some accounts she is the daughter of Zeus and Elektra. She wed the King of Thebes, Cadmus, and was given a cursed necklace as a wedding gift. The gift would ultimately cause her downfall, […]
Hebe – The Goddess Of Youth
Among the Greek Gods, Hebe is one that most of us could fall in love with. The fair-skinned and youthful looking God is appropriately the God of youthfulness. She is a daughter of Zeus and Hera. While many have searched for the Fountain of Youth for many centuries, the Greeks would have believed that achieving […]
The Goddess Of Witchcraft Hecate (Hekate) was the goddess of witchcraft in Greek Mythology. She was also known as the goddess of magic, the night, the moon, ghosts and necromancy. Her parents were the Titan gods, Perses and Asteria. She was their only child. Her name was derived from the Greek word hekatos which means […]
Hemera, Primordial Goddess of the Day Hemera was the goddess of day. She was listed among the first gods, the generations before the Titans and Olympians. Three different versions of her family tree exist in ancient writings. According to Hesiod’s Theogony, the narrative detailing the genealogy of the gods, She was the daughter of Nyx […]
Hesperus – Greek God of The Evening Star
The Importance of The Night Sky to Ancient Greeks People in ancient Greece often spent time observing the night sky. Sailors in particular relied upon the position of constellations during navigation. Known for centuries as an “evening star” the planet Venus sometimes appears visible in the early evening; for generations, people mistook the planet for […]
The ancient Greeks used mythology to help describe and explain the world around them, including the strange and interesting ways nature and the climate changed throughout the year. Originally used to represent the changes in the natural world each year, the Horae were a group of goddesses who represented the seasons. The goddesses were sometimes […]
Goddess of The Rainbow In ancient Greek Mythology, the goddess Iris was revered as the personification of the rainbow. Most works of art depict her either in the form of a beautiful rainbow, or as a lovely maiden. She wore wings on her shoulders and usually carried a pitcher in one hand. Her name combined […]
The Keres were female spirits, the daughters of Nyx, the goddess of night. They were not peaceful creatures, but demons, and their presences meant a violent death. In fact, their name comes from the Greek word “ker,” which means doom. It was believed that during a battle, the Keres would fly overhead with gnashing teeth […]
The God of Strength Kratos is an interesting figure in Greek mythology. It is largely agreed that he is a god of strength and power, but there are conflicting stories about almost everything else about him. There are two competing versions of his parentage, each of which changes his relation to the other gods. The […]
Mania / Maniae
Daimones or Goddesses of the Personification of Insanity, Madness, and Crazed Frenzy. When we hear the word “mania”, most of us think that it means crazed or to act in a frenzy. How did this word work its way into our vocabularies? It all goes back to the Greek goddesses or more commonly the divinity spirits […]
Mnemosyne – The Goddess of Memory
“Please excuse my dear aunt Sally.” This helpful phrase was created to help people remember the mathematical order of operations: parentheses, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction. Phrases like these are called “mnemonics.” They’re tools to help people remember complicated concepts. What most people don’t know is that mnemonics are called mnemonics for a reason. […]
Momus, the Greek God of Satire and Criticism Momus is the Greek god that represents satire and mockery, using humor to criticize. The other gods eventually expelled him from Mount Olympus because of how harsh he criticized others, and some think he even helped start the Trojan War. Aesop’s fables, the writings of a […]
Moros – The Greek God of Impending Doom
Moros is the Greek God of impending doom. Should any of the humans be in store for an unpleasant fate, it is Moros who leads them there. Often, this means that the human will die or be fiercely injured. It could also mean that the human may lose a family member or loved one. Or, […]
Morpheus – God of Dreams
In Greek mythology, Morpheus was known as the god of dreams. He shaped and formed the dreams, through which he could appear to mortals in any form. This talent made Morpheus a messenger of the gods, able to communicate divine messages to sleeping mortals. Though he could take any human form, Morpheus’s true form was […]
Greek Goddess of Retribution (Personified) Nemesis was the ancient Greek goddess of divine retribution. As such, she meted out punishment for evil deeds, undeserved good fortune, and hubris (arrogance before the gods). She was also called Adrasteia, meaning “the inescapable,” or the “Goddess of Rhamnous” in recognition of her famous temple in the city Rhamnous. […]
Water God – Old Man Of The Sea In Ancient Greek mythology, Nereus is one of the water deities. Those gods or goddesses who control the element of the water, including rivers, lakes, and seas, as well as all the creatures that live in these. There are many gods and goddesses associated with the waters […]
Goddess and Personification of Victory In Greek Mythology, Nike was the Goddess of speed, strength and victory. Also known as Winged Goddess, Nike is most often pictured as having wings. In Hesiod’s ‘Theogony’ she was the child of Pallas (Titan) and Styx. In most beliefs, Styx is the name of the river that separates Planet […]
In ancient Greek, people believed in mythical beings and each aspect of their lives was associated with them. One of the Greek gods was Notus. Notus was known as the god of the south wind. This wind god was also linked to the southwest winds. He was one of the four wind gods who were […]
Nyx – Greek Goddess of The Night
Nyx is the Greek Goddess of the night, and the daughter of Chaos. She was told to be very beautiful. Her birthplace was not on Earth but in Gaia. She is Primordial God. It is said that she was created near the beginning of time. Her home is in the depths of Hades’ underworld. Nyx […]
Lesser Gods or Deimons of Dreams – The Personification of Dreams The Oneiroi were black-winged daimons that personified dreams. Daimons, later called daemons by the Romans, are not to be confused with the evil demons mentioned in the Bible; these were simply gods or spirits that were less powerful than the gods of the Greek […]
The Primordial Mountain Gods The Ourea are offspring of the Goddess Gaia. This family line was important in Greek mythology because it explained the outline of natural occurrences on the hills surrounding the isles. Gaia had nine children that collectively were know as the Ourea. They are Aitna, Athos, Helikon, Kithairon, Nysos, Olympus, Oreios, Parnes, […]
In Greek mythology, Paean was the physician of the Olympian gods. The name came from the Greek root meaning “the healing”. In Homer’s Illiad, Paean was brought to treat Ares, the god of war, when he was wounded by Diomedes, the hero of the epic. In Homer’s other epic, The Odyssey, Paean also treated Hades […]
Pallas – Greek God of Warcraft
Pallas is one of the ancient Greek Titans and he is the son of Crius and Eurybia. He was the Greek god of warcraft. He existed before Zeus as well as the Olympians. Pallas was the brother of the other second generation Titans, Astraeus, and Perses. He was married to Styx (the goddess of hatred) […]
The God of the Wild The culture of Ancient Greece involved a complex spiritual world of major and minor gods that oversaw human events and engaged in dramas of their own. One of these, called Pan, ruled over nature and pasturelands. He is frequently depicted in literature and artworks. Although he is not one of […]
Peitho – Goddess of Persuasion
Peitho is the Greek goddess or spirit of seduction, charming speech and particularly of persuasion. Peitho’s Roman interpretation is named Saudela or Sauda. In many myths, Peitho is thought to be one of Aphrodite’s companions. Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of love, pleasure, and beauty and Peitho was her attendant. Many artists and poets liked […]
Goddess of Spring and Queen of the Underworld Daughter of Demeter, the goddess of the harvest, and Zeus, the king of the gods, Persephone is both the Goddess of Spring, and the Queen of the Underworld. Her story is not a pleasant one. Much of her mythology is centred on her grieving mother, her abduction, […]
Spirit Goddess (daimon) of Friendship and Affection, and Intercourse The Greek goddess Philotes was the daughter of Nyx, but details of her father are less clear. According to the Ancient Greek poet Hesiod, she had no father. The Roman writer Hyginus, however, says that Philotes’s father was Erebus. Philotes was a minor goddess in Greek […]
Ancient Greeks had plenty of reasons to fear the sea. The unknowns of the open ocean were a prime source of mystery. Pair that with a slew of monsters that dwelled within the depths of the ocean, and you have the perfect recipe for fascinating lore. Most people are familiar with Poseidon, the Olympian god […]
In Greek mythology, Phosphorous was the Morning Star, or what we know today as the planet Venus. When the orbit locations of the Earth and Venus are just right, it can be seen an hour before the sun rises in the eastern sky or an hour after the sun sets in the western skies. Venus […]
God Of Wealth and Bountiful Agriculture Plutus, which is the Latin spelling of Ploutos, is the God of Wealth. He was supposedly born on the Greek island of Crete and is the son of a local hero named Iasion and the goddess Demeter, who is the goddess of harvest and fertility. He is often depicted […]
Pollux, also known as Polydeuces in Greek mythology, was one half of Dioscuri with his twin brother Castor. His mother was the princess Leda, whom he shared with Castor. Pollux and Castor had different fathers, though. Castor was the son of King Tyndareus of Sparta, Leda’s husband. Pollux, though, was the son of Zeus, who […]
Pontus – Primordial God of the Sea
Pontus was born in the void state of Chaos, at a time before anything ever existed. In Chaos, there was nothing at all; though, Chaos can also refer to everything in the space created when the heaven and earth split and became two separate places. That space in between was indeed chaos, because in it […]
Priapus was a minor god within the Olympian pantheon, known as a god of fertility, gardens and orchards and livestock. Often times, he was portrayed as a comedic figure in myths and stories about the gods. Origin of Priapus The accounts of Priapus’ parentage vary from story to story. In some stories, he’s the son […]
In the history of Greek gods, there is a group of gods that came before all else. These primordial gods are almost conceptual in nature, representing much vaster domains than those that would come after them. These gods continue to pop up in tale throughout the span of Greek myth, usually functioning more as places […]
Psyche – Goddess of the Soul
Many stories in Greek mythology stand the test of time and continue to drive narratives today. One legend, in particular, is the source of inspiration for many tales of harrowing challenges and the beauty of love. Psyche is the Greek goddess of the soul, but her story doesn’t start with a life of immortality. Despite […]
In Greek mythology, The Titans were the second generation of divine beings, born before the Olympians, the main gods of the Greek pantheon. According to the Greeks, Atlas, the strongest of all the Titans, and an ocean nymph named Pleione, had seven mountain nymph daughters. Their names were Maia, Alcyone, Celaeno, Taygete, Merope, Electra and […]
Tartarus, A Realm of Punishment Like Mother Earth, Gaea, and Father Sky, Uranus, Tartarus came into existence from the void of Chaos. It was not only a primordial force, but also a place, a deep abyss located far below Hades, where the most wicked were sent after death to suffer and be tormented for their […]
Greek God of Non-Violent Deaths – Personified Spirit of Death Thanatos was the Greek god of nonviolent deaths. His name literally translates to “death” in Greek. In some myths, he’s considered to be a personified spirit of death rather than a god. The touch of Thanatos was gentle, often compared to the touch of Hypnos, […]
The Erinyes (Furies)
The Erinyes, also spelled Erinys, were three Greek goddesses commonly referred to as the Furies. They were goddesses of retribution and vengeance whose job was to punish men who committed heinous crimes. The Furies tended to judge men who committed murder, perjury, and offenses committed against the gods themselves. When a victim sought justice for a crime, […]
The Fates
Greek mythology features many tales of heroic feats and legendary figures achieving the impossible. The stories are nothing short of inspiring, showing the will of mortals and the power of gods. Behind the scenes, Ancient Greeks believed that every event was the work of destiny. According to legend, every mortal and immortal being was the […]
The Graces
The Graces were also known as the Charities, with a singular of Charis, and represented three or more of Greek mythological minor deities or goddesses. It is believed that they were the daughters of Eurynome and Zeus; in some cases they are considered the daughters of Dionysys and Aphrodite. Others say they were the daughters […]
The Muses
The nine Muses were the goddesses the arts. At one point it was believed that there were only three muses, but the currently accepted understanding is that there were nine. Each muse had a different type of art they commanded. Calliope was considered the muse of epic poetry and speech. She was considered the wisest […]
Themis – Goddess of Order and Justice
Titan Goddess of Divine Order and Law – The Personification of Justice Themis was a Titaness (the female version of Titan), which was a generation of gods that came before the Olympians. This was the Golden Age, a time of peace when the Titan Kronos ruled over all others. The goddess Themis was one of […]
Greek Water Goddess of the Sea and Leader of the Nereides Thetis is one of the aquatic deities of Greek mythology, often known as a sea nymph or a goddess of water. She is one of the daughters of the god Nereus, also called the Nereids. She is one of the earliest worshipped deities of […]
Triton is one of the mythical Greek gods, and he is the son of Amphitrite and Poseidon. Triton's parents were the god and goddess of the sea, and Triton himself acted as his father's herald.
Goddess of Fortune, Luck and Chance Tykhe, also known as Tyche, was the Greek goddess of chance, fate and fortune. She represented not only the positive aspects of these characteristics but also the negative ones. The ancient Greeks thought she was the reason for unexpected events in their lives, good and evil. For example, if […]
Typhon – The Father of all Monsters
There might be gods and monsters, but rarely are you going to hear about a god who is also a monster. That’s exactly what Typhon is, and it’s why he’s one of the most fearsome deities that you can face. He’s most often described as the most powerful and fearsome god in Greek legend, so […]
Urania, which is also written as “Ourania,” is one of the 9 Muses (or Mousai), who together were the goddesses of dance, song and music. The daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne, Urania is the the Muse of astronomy and writings about astronomy. As such, she is often depicted holding a globe while pointing at it […]
Uranus – God of The Sky
The God of the Sky and the Starry Heavens. Uranus is one of the old gods in Greek mythology. He was the primordial god of the sky and the starry heavens. He ruled the universe, and his name means sky or heaven. Uranus literally was the sky, which the Greeks envisioned as a brass dome […]
Lesser Deity of Rivalry, Envy and Dedication – The Personification of Zeal Zelus, also known as Zelos, was a lesser deity in Greek mythology. His parents were Titans Pallas and Styx. He had three siblings, Kratos (strength), Nike (victory), and Bia (force). These siblings are all usually depicted with wings and were the protectors that […]
Zephyrus – The God of The West Wind
Zephyrus, also sometimes known as Zephyros or simply Zephyr in English, is the god of the west wind. One of four seasonal wind gods, or Anemoi, Zephyrus is the brother of Notus, the god of the south wind, Eurus, the god of the east wind, and Boreas, the god of the east wind. The offspring […]